If you want to get in touch with us, the easiest way to do so is by email:RRWC@reading.gov.uk
Alternatively, you can write to:
Private Sector Housing
Civic Offices
Bridge Street
RG1 2LU Our members have all made a commitment to providing with good quality accommodation, service and managing your tenancy in a fair, honest, and legal manner as a priority. We welcome your view about our members and would ask that you provide us with any feedback about the service you have received, good or bad. We appreciate that very occasionally things may go wrong, and your experience may give rise to a complaint. You should first look to resolve any issues with our member directly, however, when communication between the two parties has broken down, landlords, managing agents and tenants of a property accredited on the RRWC Scheme can come directly back to us for advice and, potentially, informal mediation. All parties will have to demonstrate that they have exhausted all reasonable steps to resolve the matter before raising it through RRWC. Please note any advice we provide is intended as guidance only to attempt to assist in resolving a dispute amicably, only the courts can give an authoritative interpretation of the law.
RRWC is not an alternative dispute resolution approved body and we do not offer alternative dispute resolution (ADR). If you are interested in alternative dispute resolution, you can find an appropriate ADR approved body via the Chartered Trading Standards Institute website:https://www.tradingstandards.uk/consumer-help/adr-approved-bodies/ Individual civil advice about your tenancy may be available from Reading Citizens Advice Bureau:https://rcab.org.ukor Shelter:https://england.shelter.org.uk/housing_advice
Our members are accredited to a landlord association, you can find out more information about the services and support available to you from the association website to whom your landlord belongs:
National Residential Landlord Association
British Landlords Association
Guild of Residential Landlords